Sara Zimmerman
Selected Works & Accomplishments
Speaking Engagements
Workshop, “State and Local Active Transportation Financing,” Safe Routes to School National Conference, 2019.
Presentation, “Mature Programs Campfire Session,” Safe Routes to School National Conference, 2019.
Workshop, “Launching a Safe Routes to School Program,” Huntington Park, 2019.
Presentation, “State of Safe Routes to School,” ProWalk ProBike ProPlace Conference, 2018.
Workshop, “Launching a Safe Routes to School Program,” Monterey, 2018.
Presentation, “Partnerships and Progress in Safe Routes to School,” Childhood Obesity Conference, 2017.
Workshop, “Launching a Safe Routes to School Program,” Willets, 2017.
Presentation, “Communicating About Safe Routes to School,” Safe Routes to School National Conference, 2016.
Presentation, “Equity and Active Transportation,” Safe Routes to School National Conference, 2016.
Workshop, “Safe Routes to School and Policy, Sacramento,” 2015.
Presentation, “Liability 101,” Safe Routes to School National Conference, 2013.
“School Siting,” Safe Routes to School National Conference, 2013.
Presentation, “Lobbying: How to Make Change (for Healthy Communities) without Making Trouble (for Yourself),” Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) Statewide Collaborative Meeting, 2013.
Presentation, “Childhood Obesity Policy,” Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford, 2012.
Presentation, “The Challenge of Diverse, Walkable Schools,” Active Living Research, 2012.
Reports & Publications
Zimmerman, S., Model Circular Economy Resolution, Memo & Factsheets, 2021.
Lieberman, M., Pedroso, M., Zimmerman, S., Making Strides: 2020 State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities, Report, 2020.
Jones, M. & Zimmerman, S., Safe Routes to Healthy Food Report and Action Agenda, 2020.
Zimmerman, S. & Lieberman, M., The Safe Routes to School Program Census Project: National Program Assessment Report, 2020.
Zimmerman, S., Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Health 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Regional Transportation Agencies, Report, 2019.
Zimmerman, S. & Lieberman, M., Metropolitan Planning Organizations & Health 201: Best Practices & Promising Opportunities for Health, Report, 2019.
Zimmerman, S., Investing in Health: Robust Local Active Transportation Financing for Healthy Communities, Report, 2019.
Williams, H., Lieberman, M. & Zimmerman, S., Building Blocks: A Guide to Starting and Growing a Safe Routes to School Program, Toolkit, 2019.
Moening, K. & Zimmerman, S., Let's Go For A Walk: A Toolkit for Planning and Conducting a Walk Audit, Toolkit, 2018.
Lieberman, M., Pedroso, M., Zimmerman, S., Making Strides: 2018 State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities, Report, 2018.
Lieberman, M. & Zimmerman, S., Complete Streets and Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans: Key Tools for Supporting Healthy, Active Communities, Report, 2018.
Zimmerman, S., Wolf Whistles & Creepy Compliments: How Safe Routes to School Programs Can Take Action to Protect Kids from Street Harassment, Report, 2017.
Moening, K. & Zimmerman, S., Step by Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School, Toolkit, 2017.
Lieberman, M., Pedroso, M., Zimmerman, S., Making Strides: State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities, Report, 2016.
Lieberman, M. & Zimmerman, S., Safe Routes to School by the Numbers: Using Data to Foster Walking and Biking to School, Report, 2016.
Zimmerman, S., Lieberman, M., Kramer, K., Sadler, B., At the Intersection of Active Transportation and Equity: Joining Forces to Make Communities Healthier and Fairer, Report, 2015.
Lieberman, M. & Zimmerman, S., Taking Back the Streets and Sidewalks: How Safe Routes to School and Community Safety Initiatives Can Overcome Violence and Crime, Report, 2015.
Zimmerman, S., “Rural Communities: Safe Routes & Walking and Bicycling,” Factsheet Series, 2015 .
Zimmerman, S., “Cultivating Support for Safe Routes to School: A Guide to Building Relationships with School Board Members and Superintendents,” Factsheet Series, 2014.
Zimmerman, S. & Gladstone, E., “Incorporating Safe Routes to School into Local School Wellness Policies,” Infobrief, 2014, ChangeLab Solutions.
Zimmerman, S.,”Integrating Safe Walking and Bicycling to School into Comprehensive Planning,” Infobrief, 2014, ChangeLab Solutions.
Zimmerman, S., Buses, Boots and Bicycles: Exploring Collaboration Between Safe Routes to School and School Busing Professionals to Get Children to School Safely and Healthily, Report, 2014.
Kappagoda, M., Zimmerman, S., Ogilve, R, and Ashe, M. “Using Legal and Policy Muscles to Support Physically Active Communities,” in Implementing Physical Activity, eds. Pate, R. and Buchner, D., 2014.
Ewing R. & Bartholomew K., with Burden, D. Zimmerman, S. & Brown, Pedestrian & Transit-Oriented Design (Urban Land Institute & American Planning Association 2013).
Fry, C., Zimmerman, S. and Kappagoda, M., “Healthy Reform, Healthy Cities: Using Law and Policy to Reduce Obesity Rates in Underserved Communities,” Fordham Urban Law Journal, 2013.
Zimmerman, S., Kramer, K. and Trowbridge, M., “Overcoming Legal Liability Concerns for School-Based Physical Activity Promotion,” American Journal of Public Health, 2013.
Zimmerman, S. & Kramer, K., Getting the Wheels Rolling: A Guide to Using Policy to Create Bicycle Friendly Communities, 2013, ChangeLab Solutions.
Selected Projects
Project Director, Biennial State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities (2016-2020): From 2016 to 2020 Sara managed the development of biennial state report cards on the state policy environment for walking, bicycling, and active kids and communities as part of a project funded by the Centers for Disease Control and in partnership with Y-USA. As part of the project, each state receives a report card providing assessment on 20-30 indicators, and an overall report is compiled setting out the evidence, methodology, and direction of the nation. Sara directed this project, guiding the initial selection of topics and indicators, data collection, quality control, and point allocation, as well as exploring new topics and overseeing updates to data and approach.
Project Director, National Active Living Technical Assistance Provider for CDC Grantees (2013-2017): Sara oversaw delivery of technical assistance and training services to recipients of grants (including PICH, REACH, CTG, & CPPW grants) from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) under ICF International’s Training and Technical Assistance Center for Transformation in Communities program. Technical assistance recipients included public health departments, local governments, community organizations, and other local and state partners. Staff provided consultation, developed factsheets and white papers, reviewed policies and materials, conducted site visits and walk audits, and provided in-person and virtual workshops and trainings to help grantees meet their objectives in the areas of Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, active transportation, shared use, and workplace wellness.
Project Director, Walking School Bus Toolkit and Bike Train Toolkits (2018): Funded by the California Department of Public Health, Sara oversaw development of a walking school bus toolkit and a companion bike train toolkit. Step by Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School was designed to help parents, educators, and community members plan and organize a walking school bus using adult volunteers as leaders. This guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips, and templates for a fast and easy start. The companion bike train toolkit provides similar guidance as well as information to address additional needs for incorporating bicycles in the encouragement program. Sara provided oversight, direction, and editing for both toolkits.
Program Director, National Partner Organization Supporting the Voices for Healthy Kids Initiative (2013-2020): Sara directed the Safe Routes Partnership’s evolving national partner role providing issue expertise and partnership engagement support for the Voices for Healthy Kids Initiative, a joint initiative of the American Heart Association and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that works to ensure all children grow up at a healthy weight. Sara oversaw provision of technical assistance to campaign grantees and others around the nation. She also managed staff, developed innovative project concepts, supported national work groups, provided policy expertise, engaged in research and product development, and reviewed messaging resources, polls, and other communications products.
Principal Investigator, Safe Routes to School Launch Program (2017-2019): The Safe Routes to School Launch Program, funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety, assisted communities in launching and strengthening Safe Routes to School initiatives. More than a dozen communities received program services, including an assessment of community conditions, current policies, and challenges, a community training workshop, development of a Safe Routes to School initial action plan, and follow up implementation assistance. Sara served as the project director and principal investigator, overseeing the development of the overall program, training curriculum, and supporting communities in implementing their action plans through tailored technical assistance.